The banner above was taken from the fort looking down into the Bay of Kotor, Montenegro at Big Sky at anchor.
Below are photos from 2007 - 2016 when our website had a different format. Each photo below was at one time our website's front page.
Below are photos from 2007 - 2016 when our website had a different format. Each photo below was at one time our website's front page.
Pictures were taken from our previous website front pages, 2007, 2008, and 2009
Pictures from our 2010 front page previous website
Front page photos from our 2011 Website
Front page photos from our 2012 website
Front page photos from website, 2013
Front page photos from website 2015
Front page photos from website, 2014
Photos from previous front page website, 2016. I'm not using that format any longer, so here ends the front page photos.